The Embatuff thermal blankets provide wine cargo protection by helping to shield the wine from extreme temperatures, very dry environments, and light.
Preserving bottled wine during transportation will depend on:
- Preventing the wine from freezing or reaching an excessively high temperature
- Maintaining a relative humidity of between 60% and 80%
- Avoiding exposure to both natural and artificial light
The alternative of transport in an unprotected container would place the cargo at risk, as at 27ºC the heat expands the wine, and at 30ºC it can exert pressure on the cork, and it may even leak outside of the bottle, compromising the seal. This allows air in, and leads to oxidation of the wine.
When wine is damaged by heat this is not always obvious, and in these cases, the more acidic changes to its taste leave sour notes and a cooked aroma, which will damage its brand image if noticed by the consumer.
Negative temperatures at 7ºC or below freeze it, expanding the fluid and also push the cork out of the bottle, ultimately allowing oxygen to enter the bottle.
Maintaining a humidity level of 60% is ideal, since it prevents the cork from drying out and deteriorating, and losing its airtightness, thereby oxidizing the wine.
The Embatuff thermal blanket maintains the temperature and humidity levels, thereby avoiding costly complaints due to changes in the taste of the wine.